Talent is evenly distributed, opportunity is not.
We aim to change that.
The National Education Equity Lab is forging a new kind of relationship between our nation’s colleges and high schools rooted in our belief that while talent is evenly distributed, opportunity is not.
We empower colleges to take a more active role in developing and inspiring the next generation of leaders at scale, at no cost to students. In partnership with pioneering universities including Howard, Princeton, Morehouse, Spelman, Stanford, Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, Wesleyan, Cornell, Georgetown, Arizona State University, Barnard, Brown, University of Pennsylvania, University of California and Harvard (inaugural course), we deliver and support online college credit-bearing courses into teacher-led high school classrooms across the country.
By enabling high school students from Title I and Title I eligible schools to take actual college courses from college professors, students can build the skills — and confidence — needed to apply to and thrive in college. Participating students earn widely-transferable college credits and have access to mentorship and hands-on support.
This opportunity literally showed me what I was capable of. When I passed the class my brother told me I should aim higher than what is typical in our Navajo community. So I applied to Columbia University, was admitted, and will begin this fall. In that way, this opportunity has changed my life.”
Di’Zhon Chase (Student), Gallup, New Mexico
“Democratizing access to higher education in our nation has never been more critical. Offering a college credit-bearing course to talented students in Title 1 high school classrooms is game-changing.”
ARNE DUNCAN, Former U.S. Secretary of Education and Advisory Board Member
This model was designed for impact at scale. Since starting in 2019, we have served: