Tips for Making Your College Credits Count!

Students and alumni from across the country who have participated in College-in-High school courses virtually came together to learn about an important part of their advanced coursework — transferring their hard earned college credits! In a webinar hosted by Research Fellow Clarque Brown and Student Success Director Asheley Siewnarine, students were given an overview of transcripts, college credit requirements, and how to ensure that college-level credits acquired in high school are later being counted at universities. In their slideshow (embedded above), the hosts also gave examples of how to submit transcripts to various institutions. The Harvard Extension School and Arizona State University, both schools that have partnered with the National Education Equity Lab and offered courses in the past, were included as examples along with larger public schools such as UC Berkeley and Hunter College.

In addition to offering information about the credit transfer process, the webinar was also an opportunity for participants to build community. As many students have had to rapidly adjust to distance learning and forego many of their everyday activities, our goal was to help keep them connected and energized despite these unanticipated changes. During the session, students asked questions pertaining to credit transfers, held space for each other to reflect on larger current events, and shared many suggestions of topics for future webinars.
Prepared by Clarque Brown, the infographic above explains the three key steps to credit transfers. Although the information specifically details the process for students who participated in Harvard Extension School’s Poetry in America course, the process is similar at many other higher education institutions.