Alexandra Slack

President & Chief Operating Officer

Alexandra began her career as a high school science teacher in her hometown, Atlanta, Georgia. Her students taught her that learning is social and emotional — we all need to feel safe and connected to learn, that students and community members should be at the design table, and that even though passion and talent are evenly distributed in our country, opportunity is not. As the President and Chief Operating Officer at the National Education Equity Lab, she is working to democratize access to higher education by delivering college credit-bearing courses to high school students attending Title 1 high schools. Alexandra supports every aspect of the National Education Equity Lab’s College-in-High School program including school selection, supervising teacher development and ongoing support, course evaluation and continuous improvement, partnership strategy, and team management. She appreciates learning alongside the professors, principals, teachers and students participating in the program.

Alexandra held roles as a nonprofit leader and a management consultant prior to joining the National Education Equity Lab. As the Senior Director of Programs at the Student Success Network, a New York City network of over 60 nonprofits aimed at closing the opportunity gap for New York City students, she designed and managed programs to inspire intrapreneurship — empowering those that work closest with youth to identify challenges, design solutions, and enact change to better support student social, emotional, and academic needs. As a management consultant, Alexandra learned tools and strategies to lead change across diverse industries.

Alexandra is passionate about building bridges between individual initiatives, organizations, and industries so that we can successfully tackle some of our most entrenched challenges. She graduated from Harvard University and earned a Masters of Public Policy with a focus on economic development from Georgia Tech.